More news from downtown Dallas

B finally got a respite from his tooth pain yesterday so he packed up some meds and went with me downtown to volunteer. We got down there mid-afternoon and the scene was chaotic. We started at Reunion Arena where the Salvation Army had finally cut off donations because there was such a volume of stuff. After quickly realizing there were plenty of volunteers there, we headed over to the convention center.

As soon as we walked up to the volunteer entrance B was immediately ushered inside and I was made to wait in line. We had our cell phones on us so we knew we could keep track of each other and it was all good. As it turned out, they were getting ready to organize the showers and they needed men to help out with the male showers. They had portable showers set up outside the arena for the men and the volunteer guys were helping everyone get in and out of there and assisting however they were needed. Once they let the girls in, I helped fold towels and get everything set up for the women to shower. The women's showers were on the second floor of the arena. By the time the women started getting up there to shower, there were so many volunteers up there that I decided to head back downstairs to see how else I could help.

While my function was one of action on Saturday night, it turned out to be a very different role yesterday. I was standing outside having a smoke when a guy called out to me from the curb. He had identified me as a fellow freak and he and his girl talked my ear off for about an hour. We talked about Dallas, about bars/clubs here that he might want to go to for security work, we talked about the quarter and how it was still intact from the storm, mostly he talked and I just listened. They didn't want to talk about the evacuation or their experiences leaving the city and that was just fine with me. They found out yesterday that she's pregnant and are very motivated to get on with their lives here in Dallas and get ready for the upcoming baby. They seemed like some of the many street types that I've met in NOLA and I sincerely hope they can make a fresh start here in Texas and get on their feet. They talked about eventually moving back once it was safe to return, and I told them that we're going to be heading that way as well. It was nice to be a touchstone for someone and give them a sense of normalcy in an otherwise insane situation.

B's tooth eventually started acting back up so we came home for the evening and got him properly medicated again. We had a relaxed evening of tv watching and I slept like a rock last night.

Not sure what today has in store yet for me because B is still sleeping. Last night he was offering to stay home and clean house so that I could head back downtown and help out some more. I really hate to leave him with all the laundry and normal weekend chores when he's not feeling 100%. I woke up with an itchy head this morning and after looking everywhere for my Robicomb I ended up running to Walgreen's to get another one. It's official, I brought home some lice with me yesterday. Heh, I guess that's inevitable in a situation like this and luckily I already knew what to do. Fyi, if any of you ever have to deal with lice the Robicomb is the best invention ever. It is an electronic comb that picks up and kills the bugs and also the eggs and you can use it on every member of the family. As I sit here typing I have to keep stopping to use it when my head itches. Whatever ends up happening today, I will probably head back down there next weekend to help if not during the week sometime. I'm so glad that I can say that I have taken an active role in the relief efforts here in Dallas, it's an experience that I will never, ever forget and I look forward to doing some more of it.


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