Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus!

Country Shelli sent me a link in an email about unclaimed property and I couldn't resist checking it out. As it turns out, there is still stock outstanding that my grandparents had purchased for me (under my maiden name which was two names ago) and I've got dividends sitting out there for about the last 15 years or so with claims in both Texas and Washington. I've now followed the websites' instructions and will be sending off my claims in the mail shortly. Holy sheepshit, Maynard! For a girl who is currently stressed out about money, this just goes to show me that there really *is* someone out there looking out for my interests. Can't tell you guys how grateful I am, it would be impossible to put it in words. Here's the site...

I recommend searching under every name you've ever had cuz it totally paid off for me!


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