Overdue Update Post

Hello fair readers! :) I know it's been a little while since I posted an update, so let me see if I can catch you up on what's been going on with me...

I'm finally getting caught back up with my school stuff and am *almost* back to current. I'm only weeks away from finishing and am getting very excited about being done! Teehee, this is why I only committed to a short term school program, I knew that I would be mentally over a 4 year degree long before it was over! LOL! Because of some unexpected financial things and the sudden rise in gas prices which is killing me with the commute to Tarrant County 4x a week, I'm going to have to take a break between the time I pass my real estate test and the time I officially start working in the industry to get our finances back in line. I'm probably heading back to the night shift, fyi, but it shouldn't be nearly as hard since I won't be trying to multitask it with school. I'm giving serious thought to going back into modeling with an emphasis on pinup and fetish, but am still waffling on that since I wonder if I'm not too old to compete in the adult industry. If any of y'all have thoughts on the subject, I'd love to hear them. I also have plans to (finally) get to my buddy's house next week and get that stuff listed on Ebay. I will let you guys know when that happens so that you can go shop...

I'm still having to make the time to grieve my baby girl in between my other regular responsibilities. It's getting easier, but then some days I just want to sit and cry. It's funny how I still look for her when I walk thru the house since she was always laying in the middle of the floor right where we walk. :) We're giving Cinder extra spoiling (as if she wasn't spoiled enough already) during this time and although she still seems pretty stressed out, I think she's going to be just fine. Thanks to everyone who has asked about her and checked up on her since Rory left! Here's a weird thing tho, she's starting to get gray/white hairs mixed in with her regular solid black coat. I have no idea if this is old age or stress or what, but I'm going to do some internet research on it and try to find out. If anyone knows anything about it, please give me the info. It's just weird to me.

We got our NIN/Bauhaus tickets!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! June 3rd at Smirnoff, it'll be like a dream come true to see them on the same stage. I'm gonna die of happiness if they do any crossover songs...

Last Saturday night B and I snuck off to a traveling carnival that was set up in the parking lot of Valley View Mall. We had too much fun riding rides and being kids together! As an adult, I'm still incapable of passing up riding the Zipper, it's really my all-time favorite carnival ride. :) Get this: did you guys know that the ride where it spins so fast the centrifugal force causes you to stick to the wall is a good back stretch? We ended up riding it twice because of the therapeutic value and methinks that I'll be stopping into random carnivals from now on just to get my back stretched out by it. Check it out, it feels terrific!

B and I will be attending the Jazz Preservation Hall Band concert tomorrow night at Bass Hall in Fort Worth. I bought the tickets as an anniversary gift for him/us so we've been waiting 6 months for this show and are both completely jazzed (pun intended) about it! B's got a new suit and I've got a new dress so we should look extra spiffy for the event. I'll try to get some pix and post them so you guys can see that yes, we actually do clean up pretty nicely. ;-)

I'm still doing what I can do make improvements around the house and while it's slow going, I'm at least starting to get the furniture where I want it to be. We've got a friend who does wood working locally that we've hired to make us dvd and cd cabinets with doors on them. Since everything in our living room is basically solid colored, it's been annoying me to have to look at the myriad of colors that are the cd and the dvd collections. I'm looking forward to having that chaos safely tucked away behind closed (solid black) doors in attractive cabinetry. :) Now if we could just afford to either replace or recover the hideous flamingo drag queen couch, that would be something...the couch cover isn't very good about staying put and the pattern of the couch keeps sneaking out. Yikes!

I think that's about all the news that's fit to know for now. Hope y'all are having a wonderful week!


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