Cinder... showing more improvement as of this morning, yay! She is more mobile (although still definitely weak) and even had the energy to fight with me a little over her meds. I definitely think the struggle is a positive sign! She does still seem weak, but she managed to keep the food down from last nite and it even looks like she nibbled at the dry food we kept out overnight for her. The princess bed seems to be a big hit and she's still hanging out in there this morning. Looks like we may need to get the kid her own bed when this has all passed! ;-) I am starting to have real hope that she's going to pull thru this and that maybe she just got depressed and made herself sick. We're still gonna keep a close eye on her throughout the weekend so keep checking back for updates. Thanks to everyone for keeping her in your thoughts, I'm *so* not ready to be an empty-nester!


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