Cinder Update

I have positive news on the kitty front! :) Cinder is still quite weak because she hasn't been eating properly for several days now, but the antibiotics seem to be starting to make a difference. I'm hoping this trend will continue, but am trying not to get my hopes up too high. B stopped at Petco on the way home and got extra special kitty supplies for her. We gave her a dry bath with that no-water type soap and got her cleaned up quite a bit. She hasn't been grooming properly since she's been feeling sick and even before that, but I thought she was just depressed about Rory. Anyway, she's much cleaner than she was and she purred the whole time we were rubbing on her except around her belly which seems to be sensitive right now. After her bath, we got her to eat about a tablespoon full of some gourmet, wet cat food (he got the kind for seniors so it would be easy on her tummy). Hopefully her body will process it normally, it's hard to know since she hasn't really been eating and she's already been having some digestive turmoil, poor thing. We've had her in my bathroom because she kept hiding under the bed and we wanted her where we could keep an eye on her. She still needed a hidey hole tho, she kept trying to hide behind the toilet with the dust bunnies. ;-) Unfortunately for her, she's normally a bed kitty and the bathroom isn't very cozy. So B got a box out of the front room and made her up a little princess bed inside of it with pillows and everything! She's all happy in there now and will hopefully get a good night's rest and be on the way to recovery. I don't think we're out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination but at least we've got positive forward movement and for that I'm VERY grateful. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, I'll keep y'all updated as things happen. :)


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