News of Jen

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I wrote a Jenni update so I thought I'd better take a few minutes and git 'er done!

I've been on spring break from school all last week and this week too, and it's been *so* nice to have my evenings back and kinda reclaim my brain functions. I start back Monday night and already have my text book so I'm planning to start reading ahead. This one's a law book and will probably be a challenge to make myself read. :)

B's birthday is at the end of the month so I've got Evites out for his two events: one in town and one weekend getaway. It was my evil plan to get his birthday stuff organized while I was on spring break, so go me for getting it done! :)

On the money/work issue, I'm still doing contract office stuff one day a week and it's not helping me much. Still tho, I'm grateful to have any kind of work since my brain tells me that work and/or money is the measure of my worth and it's been challenging to primarily be a student lately. My main income source is still the unemployment benefits which I'm still oh so grateful to have...

I do have some opportunities for income tho and that makes me happy. I've been purging my stuff all this week in anticipation of listing a bunch of excess crap on Ebay later in the week. I'll be sure and post the info here once everything's listed so you guys can go peruse my stuff and see if there's anything you can't live without. {vbg} Also, I start a night gig tonite which will be interesting. I'll be working 12p-8a and averaging three nights a week thru the end of the month. If any of y'all are up during those hours and wanna talk on the phone to help me stay awake, please let me know. I'm sure I'm going to need all the help I can get since I'm normally a daytime person lately! Methinks Red Bull is about to be my bestest friend. :)

Socially, we've been getting out and doing things in the evenings for the last week or so and it's been very nice to have that luxury. How sad am I that having my evenings free is a luxury? ;-) We went to the club last Thursday as per usual, Friday we went to a friend's birthday party, and then Saturday we went to the gay bars to celebrate a couple of other friend's birthdays. Wheeee, back in the birthday game! By Sunday I was completely wiped but B found the strength to go back to the club. Dunno exactly how he managed to have the energy to do it, but go baby.

Monday night we went and saw Hank III at the Gypsy Tea Room. I must say that it was probably the oddest mix of music I've ever seen at one show. He did over an hour of old school country including some of his grandfather's stuff and at least one Johnny Cash tune, then had a break, then came back on stage with Assjack and played a whole set of punk rock songs. What an amazing performer he is!!! I highly recommend if anyone has the chance to check him out that you definitely do it. Even if you don't stay past the country set, it was well worth going to.

Okay, I've got about a million things to gather, organize, sort, etc. today so I need to get up from this chair and get back to it. Hope everyone's having a wonderful day! :)


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