Entertainment Update: For the Rocky Horror fans!

We did one of the coolest things we've done in a long time last night and I *had* to tell you guys about it. Collin County Community College is currently staging a production of the Rocky Horror Puppet Show, which I'd never heard of before last nite but was morally obligated to check out. The back story is that someone at the college wanted to do a puppet show and Rocky Horror somehow got into the mix of possible subjects and finally won out. The college crew actually adapted the stage version of Rocky to include puppets, most of them life-sized, one larger than life-sized, and the larger puppets were operated from the catwalk above the stage like marionettes. They added an audience of famous puppets to the sides of the stage where you could see such puppets as Hitler, Jesus, Madonna, Gene Simmons, and Michael Jackson, to name a few. They also had a balcony where two puppets strangely reminiscent of Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show were doing some of the screamers. There was some puppetry adapted to the outfits of the live cast as well, which was strange but groovy at the same time. The cast was amazing, truly, and I thought I was gonna die because Frank is so amazingly uber-HOT. Honestly the whole cast is a bunch of college-aged eye candy and being the opportunist that I am, I enjoyed the whole parade of cuties prancing around the stage in their undies. ;-) For the Narrator role, they used a Bush-like person on video screens above the stage and the screamers were adapted from "This man has no neck" to "This man has no brain". LOL! They won't let you throw stuff, but they encourage people to dress up for the performance and screamers are encouraged. It was fun with that because the cast could actually wait til the laughing stopped so it didn't interrupt the performace. We dressed up and they gave us the student ticket rate so there was definitely benefit there! If anyone local to D/FW is a Rocky fan, this is a must see. I *highly* recommend it!!!

Here's the link for more information and tickets:



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