I got tagged!

And I officially challenge anyone to step up to being tagged by me as well. If you're going to link back to me then definitely add a trackback or at least leave me a comment that you're doing this. Here's the link to me getting tagged. :)

1. What kind of candy this year?- NO "good for you" stuff.
2. Anything special to scare those panhandlers trick-or-treaters?
3. Are you going to pretend you're not home?
4. Your favorite kind of cosume?
5. Your favorite scary movie?
6. Your scarriest scary movie?
7. Horror author?
8. Scariest book?
9. Best Halloween/horror story? (Yours or someone else's).

My answers:

1. Definitely it will be chocolate although being an apartment dweller makes me think that we probably won't have a lot of trick-or-treaters again this year.
2. Nah, I'd like to put up lights or something so that we can signal that we're home though.
3. Nope, we'll be here on Monday night and will be happy to give out candy. :)
4. I like the creative homemade kind over the store bought any day!
5. I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite...I'm pretty much a horror movie fan in general.
6. Since I'm so jaded about horror movies it's hard to get to me. The most recent one that actaully gave me a nightmare was Candyman but only because it tapped into that childhood "Bloody Mary" at slumber parties fear.
7. I think I'm gonna have to go with Clive Barker although I do like a good Stephen King story.
8. The book that has scared me the most thru my lifetime was The Shining. I read it in the 4th grade and it kept me up nights. :)
9. I'm a big fan of the "Hookman" story that it so popular among kids around camp fires.


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