Business news: My employment status

This picture pretty much sums up the general feeling late last week for me and apparently for my now former employer. I had a very bad feeling on Thursday when I came to the full realization that I had officially had all my work duties removed from me. I even warned B last Thursday before we went to the fancy dinner that I had a feeling I might be getting fired on Friday. We had a very hard time wanting to make nice with everyone at the restaurant but I have to say that the food was amazing and it was extra nice to get it for free. Friday morning first thing (just as I predicted on Thursday, I kinda hate being right about this), I got called into the bosses office and termintated without any reason given to me at all. Mark my words: I will never accept a full-time position in an office full of women again unless I already know and like the majority of them. Working in a female-dominated industry is not making me happy at all and I find it very hard to want to have to play all the ridiculous little games that women apparently require to function in every day life. Where are the men in the mortgage industry and how do I get to work with them??

As for B and I, we both made fat bonuses on Friday, we had a little money set aside, and we have some empty lines of credit so we're not going to starve to death right away. Thankfully I had already been actively looking for over a month, so I just needed to change my status with my placement agencies to be available for temporary work. I filed for unemployment benefits as soon as I got home Friday morning so I'll have that to fall back on just in case, but I don't see myself going without work for that long. We've got insurance til the end of the month so I'm racing around this week trying to get all my dentist/doctor stuff taken care of and maxed out before it goes away. We're going to be fine and I'm really not worried about us financially just yet...

As for my mental health, I'm having a wide range of emotions about the whole situation but the biggest and recurring one is relief. Knowing that I never again have to feel that knot in my stomach and that horrible sense of dread before I walk through that office door is worth a million bucks to me. I've got some terrific recruiters who are working hard to find me something at least temporary and I have faith that the gods did not do this to me to drop me on my ass. It's funny, but I'm surprisingly serene about the whole thing and have managed to have a terrific weekend in spite of (or maybe because of?) this ridiculous drama. I'll do a separate entertainment report on the weekend later...

To quote Bitchy Girl: I'm now gainfully self-employed. Teehee. I have quite a few money-making ideas that I've been toying with trying but haven't had the time or energy to do them, so I'm going to see about getting an actual 40-hour work week and pursue my options in my free time. I'm actually thinking about some official retraining so that I can do something that doesn't require me sitting in a cube all day. As I look back on my job history, the happiest I've ever been at any job are the jobs that didn't require me to be directly under a bosses thumb. Again let me reiterate that I will not be accepting ANY full-time positions in ANY offices that are dominated by women. Screw me once shame on you but screw me twice, well, that's a shame on me deal right there. I shoulda known better, but now I do and I won't be making that particular mistake again. I'm too old and life is too short to be that miserable at a job, especially a job that requires me to give so much of my own time to meet their corporate agenda and see very little or no personal benefit. Damn the (wo)man! LOL!

There's my story, kids. Gotta run and get ready for my morning's doctor appointment. I'll do a more cheerful entertainment report complete with slumber party pix hopefully later today. Hope everyone's having a great day! :)


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