Metro Section - Bar Report

We've been threatening to go visit our friend Rob at his night DJ job for quite a while now...we finally made it out there last night. Here's what we found:

The Candle Room

The building and ambience were *very* cool. It was a nice, dark club with posh decor that kind of had a Casablanca flavor to it. The name Candle Room is apt because there are no electric lights (or at least none that were obvious enough to be noticeable) and the whole place was lit by candlelight.

The drink prices were higher than I'm used to, but not outrageous enough to offend me. The mix on them was very nice and made it far more palatable to pay the higher price.

The music was outstanding...Rob even took pity on me and played me some Depeche Mode! :)

Now let's talk about the patrons...because it's a member's only club (we got listed in by Rob) there is an aura of uppityness as soon as you walk in the place. Even the bartentders and waitstaff were enhanced enough that they didn't quite seem like real people. Everyone had that "I'm better than you, let me flash my platinum card and impress you with my designer clothes" thing going on. There wasn't a single girl outside of our table that I was even interested enough to eyeball since I find the fake thing a complete turn off.

I think this might be how the "other half" lives and it makes me want to point and laugh and (for some of them) blow spit bubbles at the yuppies. It was nice to have a different place to go get away but I really can't wait til Thursday when I will be out among my own kind. :)


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