I've been tagged....

The torch has been passed by Matt and I accept the challenge. I have no idea what a "meme" is though, is it me or is there some new blogger language that I don't know about? Kinda like the other day when I was trying to read rap lyrics online (don't ask, long story) and I had to get a translator because there were words in the song that don't actually exist in normal every day language. But I digress...

"Five things society at large enjoys, but that I just don't get..."

1. Reality TV: How sad is our society that people have to make up ridiculous scenarios and then have the gall to call it "reality"? Maybe I'm more socially active than most, hell I probably am, but I get enough drama from my group of friends to want to watch some made-up-for-tv group of wanna-be actors try to compete. If you're going to call it reality TV shouldn't it actually have something to do with reality??

2. Truck/SUV Size Queens: I take no issue with people that drive utile (and reasonably sized) trucks that actually serve a purpose in their lives. Gods know I've hit up my truck-driving friends more than once to help me move! I also see the value of a normal-sized SUV, especially if you are a regular camper. But the soccer moms that drive these HUGE Escalades badly around town and the rednecks that buy the largest truck they can find and then jack it up and put enormous tires on it are beyond me. What in the world are these people thinking and why are they clogging up my roads and parking lots? Haven't you stupid people checked the gas prices lately?

3. Pop Music: At the risk of sounding like my parents with the "What is that horrible noise? Turn that shit down!" thing, I really can't understand what value "popular" music has lately. Maybe it's because thanks to Clear Channel we no longer have any decent radio in Dallas/Fort Worth and I'm not getting to hear current bands with an ounce of talent, I don't know. It just seems like I haven't heard any actual musical savvy in years (well, very few and far between anyway) that rates on the charts. Geez, am I turning into a geezer?

4. Professional Sports: Yes, I see the value of healthy competition (especially since there is no such thing in our public schools anymore) and yes, I understand that it's really good exercise...however, these prima donna little bitches with their "I must make 25 million a year to play" attitude just irritate me to no end. Then there are the rabid fans (like my hillbilly-assed brother-in-law) who live, breathe, sleep and eat the game as if they're actually part of the team. I don't get it, I just don't get it at all.

5. Having Children: Don't get me wrong, I like kids as long as they're someone else's, they don't act like heathens in public, and in small doses. I also understand that someone has to bear this burden in order for the human race to survive. What I don't get is the people that have the kids and then don't actually step up to the responsibility of raising (and disciplining!) their offspring. Why should I have to watch out for your kids running amok while I'm driving my cart through Wally World? Why should I have to hear a crying baby in a movie theater? If you're gonna do the crime, be prepared to do the time or else you're just adding insult to injury in our already gimpy society.

Whew! What a rant, eh? Okay, here are the people that I'd like to see pass this torch along:

Barry, my sweetie who never ever blogs

Jules, who hopefully will not be able to resist the lure of the quiz

Heika, another one who very rarely blogs

Ashley, a new friend but a fun one, curious what she'll say to this :)

Kurt, usually he does political posting so I'm hoping for some actual information about the man himself :)


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