Apparently My Candidate is...

The Cap'n posted this very interesting quiz on his blog and I couldn't resist taking it. According to it, this is how I should vote in the fall...

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 79.17% match

My Other Top Matches

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 75.00%
New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 70.83%
Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 70.83%

Middle of the Pack

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 66.67%
Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 66.67%
Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 62.50%
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 58.33%
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) - 41.67%
Arizona Senator John McCain (R)- 37.50%
Texas Representative Ron Paul (R) - 37.50%
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) - 33.33%
Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R) - 29.17%
Businessman John Cox (R) - 25.00%

Bottom of the Barrel
California Representative Duncan Hunter (R) - 20.83%
Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (R) - 16.67%
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) - 16.67%
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (R) - 16.67%

So it just goes to show me that no matter how much of a Law and Order fan I am, I just can't vote for Fred Thompson. ;-)

Of course the reality of the situation is that I'll probably vote Libertarian or Independent...


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