Take Action: No Free Ride for Polluters

From: Kuma
Date: Oct 30, 2007 4:16 PM

Hey, guys.

It's looks pretty clear that some kind of pollution credit system will be created soon to try to get a handle on the climate crisis. Polluting industries are trying to turn that legislation into a massive program of corporate subsidies. Their plan--giving away the credits for free to big polluters--punishes new companies and companies who got a jump on cleaning up their act.

But a full public auction makes sure that everyone plays fair by charging them equally to pollute and raises money to help pay for America's transition to the clean energy economy. Most of the Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed the public auction--which means industry is in a hurry to lock up the other system while we still have this President and this Congress.

I just signed a petition to ask our Congress to make sure any climate legislation has a public auction to sell pollution credits. Signing a petition may not feel like a lot. But it's a first step. And there's a lot at stake--$50 to $150 billion. Enough money to help all Americans transition to a clean energy economy. Our representatives need to hear clearly that we care about this issue.

Can you join me by signing the petition?




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