Jen Work Update...What I'm Doing Now. :)

I know it's been ages since I've actually made a personal post and it's because I've been swamped and overwhelmed with moving, birthday, and work changes. Since I'm finally starting to get my work-self organized, I thought I'd share with you guys what I'm doing now. I'm sure some of y'all can use this information to benefit yourselves or someone you know...

In addition to being able to handle any type of real estate transaction now, I'm also assisting people with legal and licensed credit repair. For more information about the service and the company, visit

As an added bonus to the credit repair service, I have teamed up with Jacob Watson of Supreme Lending ( who will refund the cost of the credit repair at closing for anyone who works with him after going through the program.

Please spread the word about this opportunity to anyone you know who either cannot get approved for financing or who would like to refinance to a lower rate. Be sure to have them ask for me and you know I'll take excellent care of them.

Hope all is well with you guys! Love you all! :)


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