Don't forget to vote today!

From Equality Texas:



The City of Dallas Runoff Election will be held this Saturday, June 16, 2007. Voters will elect a new mayor, and city council members in districts 3, 5, 7 and 8.

Unfortunately, a right-wing political action committee has interjected an element of knee-jerk homophobia into the mayoral race. The Heritage Alliance PAC sponsored automated calls this past weekend that labeled homosexuality as one of the "three hot issues" for Dallas voters.

In a perfect world, a candidate's sexual orientation would be irrelevant to his or her campaign.

We do not live in a perfect world, and gay-baiting attacks such as these automated calls work.

o They work because they tap into the residual elements of homophobia in our society.
o They work because they feed upon fear and ignorance found in the occasional listener.
o They work because time and again they perpetuate stereotypes that have long ago been disproved to anyone with an open mind.

There are many serious local issues facing the City of Dallas that have nothing to do with the sexual orientation of any candidate.

Educate yourself on the candidates' positions. Then take a stand for equality by voting!

Equality Texas is the only statewide advocacy organization in Texas working to end public policy discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.


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