Halloween Questionnaire

Hey everyone! A very good friend of mine is working on a new Halloween-themed screenplay and is looking for contributions from anyone and everyone of all ages. If you'd like to participate, answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible and email your answers back to jon@highlandmyst.com with the subject line of "Re:Happy Halloween and Some Questions". Feel free to repost this and pass it around as he's looking for lots of input. Thanks in advance for helping out! :)

1. Your age (or age range)?
2. Your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
3. A favorite memory or funny story from Halloween as a kid?
4. Your favorite Halloween costume as a teenager?
5. A favorite memory or funny story from Halloween as a teenager?
6. Your favorite Halloween costume as an adult?
7. A favorite memory or funny story from Halloween as an adult?
8. Favorite Halloween decoration(s)?


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