Quick Jen Update

Good morning, blog world! I've survived my first week of my new schedule and thought I'd update everyone on my progress...

School is terrific but intensive, I'm absolutely digging the course material and can't wait to get my license and get busy with my new career! After 12 years of not being in school, my brain had to be practically kicked to get it to remember my study habits. Now that I've done schoolwork every night this week (and most of the day yesterday), I'm finally getting back into a groove with it. I'm in the process of working ahead with my homework so I'm not stuck doing it til 11 pm every night after class. This next week should go much more smoothly! :)

Had an interesting turn of events with my work situation this week. My most stressful employer (unfortunately it was also my biggest source of income too) and I parted ways on Thursday. In a lot of ways I'm relieved to have her out of my life and B will certainly be happy that she's not going to be calling/emailing at all hours of the day and night. Now I just gotta figure out how to replace the money part and I'm all set...hopefully I can find something that will be less stressful and less invasive to my personal life! If any of you know any small business owners that need part-time contract office help, please send them my way...

We've got a very big weekend ahead of us celebrating Da Jules' birthday. We're doing a big gay birthday outing tonite and then the Bitchy celebration will be tomorrow afternoon. I'll have stories and pix up as soon as I can!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


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