It's been a week, oops!
It's funny how quickly time passes because it certainly doesn't seem like a week has passed since I posted here last. Of course, I've been struggling with the unemployment blues quite a bit which makes it hard to want to share. :)
On the job front, no news is no news. I haven't heard back from my interview of last week but I did make a follow up phone call yesterday and confirmed that no second interviews have been conducted yet. At least that one's not about me, right? ;-) My resume is out several new places so hopefully something will happen with that. I'm going to update my resume prolly tonight to reflect my temporary work so that it doesn't look like a big employment gap.
B and I did some math Tuesday night to see if there is any way I can afford to stay at the title company I'm temping for. It would be tight, but once the bonuses kicked in I think we would be better off than we were before. My ego hates to take that kind of pay cut but what's the price for actually liking where I work? I really do like the team and especially the manager there and that is worth a lot to me. Not to mention I would be accomplishing the shift into the title world which will get me one step closer to living (and having gainful employment) in New Orleans. Guess we'll see what happens with that. :)
In the last week, Bitchy Girl has managed to turn a year older...happy birthday, Bitchy!
We're not planning to go out to the club tonight and are instead planning to see Elle's new band lineup at Clearview tomorrow night followed by some guest "fetish dj" at the club. It should make for an interesing evening and something new and different. I'm honestly not sure what a "fetish dj" is, but on the flyer the girl looks pretty hot so at least there's that. :)
I've got a 7:30 meeting this morning (fuckin morning people!) so the shower calls...I'll post more either tonight or tomorrow.
On the job front, no news is no news. I haven't heard back from my interview of last week but I did make a follow up phone call yesterday and confirmed that no second interviews have been conducted yet. At least that one's not about me, right? ;-) My resume is out several new places so hopefully something will happen with that. I'm going to update my resume prolly tonight to reflect my temporary work so that it doesn't look like a big employment gap.
B and I did some math Tuesday night to see if there is any way I can afford to stay at the title company I'm temping for. It would be tight, but once the bonuses kicked in I think we would be better off than we were before. My ego hates to take that kind of pay cut but what's the price for actually liking where I work? I really do like the team and especially the manager there and that is worth a lot to me. Not to mention I would be accomplishing the shift into the title world which will get me one step closer to living (and having gainful employment) in New Orleans. Guess we'll see what happens with that. :)
In the last week, Bitchy Girl has managed to turn a year older...happy birthday, Bitchy!
We're not planning to go out to the club tonight and are instead planning to see Elle's new band lineup at Clearview tomorrow night followed by some guest "fetish dj" at the club. It should make for an interesing evening and something new and different. I'm honestly not sure what a "fetish dj" is, but on the flyer the girl looks pretty hot so at least there's that. :)
I've got a 7:30 meeting this morning (fuckin morning people!) so the shower calls...I'll post more either tonight or tomorrow.
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