Ahhhh, work outside the house...

...and money coming in, woohoo! It's not as much as I wanted to make for temp work but at least it's at a title company so it's still industry-related experience. I'm doing shipping work right now (icky poo) but talked to the boss lady today and she said she can keep me busy through the end of the month doing a variety of things there. Too bad I'm not a notary cuz I think they'd be sending me in to closings...maybe I'll look into that, it's a thing I should probably have in my industry anyway.

My visit to Dad was *great* but too short. It was fun getting to show off the wedding pix to my Missouri family...they really don't get me at all but are constantly amused at my wierdness. And it's funny too since they met B when he had his long hair, they didn't recognize him in the pix. LOL! The best part tho was hanging out with the old man, smoking cigs and watching TV. We watched quite a bit of Law and Order while I was up there which, everyone that knows me knows, is better than ice cream to me. Dad's supposed to come down when the kids get spring break in March...I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)

I spent the 12-hour round trip in the car catching up on phone calls that I've been needing to make and found out that some more of my nearest and dearest are Cingular customers. Teehee, I'm thinking we're going to be able to have massive rollover minutes happening and still be able to talk just about anytime we want to our friends. SHWEET! I'll post more details tomorrow nite about friend updates.

I *gotta* go to bed now but will post more tomorrow, I promise!


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